This page is dedicated to providing technical resources for staff, faculty, and administrators of local K12 schools in San Diego and Imperial counties.

In summer 2018, the California legislature introduced the K12 Strong Workforce Program (K12 SWP) as an ongoing statewide funding opportunity. It is designed to support K–12 local education agencies (LEAs) in creating, improving, and expanding career technical education (CTE) courses, course sequences, programs of study, and pathways for students transitioning from secondary education to postsecondary education to living-wage employment.
- CO Reporting Timeline Memo (Data and Fiscal)
- Combined K12 SWP & CTEIG Reporting Timeline
- Online Reporting Instructions
CCCCO “How To” video for NOVA Fiscal Reporting
- Fiscal Reporting Overview Googlesheet (FROG) request form and informational video
- Quarterly Financial Match Certification Template Letter
- Final Expenditure and Match Certification Templates: Round 5, Round 6
- Request to Modify Budget
- Regional Fiscal Agent: Sally Cox
- What to use Cal-PASS Plus data for?
- District Level Waterfall Dashboard; Actionable Worksheet – Were my students prepared and did they complete their postsecondary journeys?
- High School to Community College Dashboard; Video Demonstration – High School to Community College Dashboard; Actionable Worksheet – How are my high school students doing in community college?
- Cal-PASS Plus website
- Cal-PASS Plus FAQs
- CPP Data Submission Process 2021
- Step by Step Instructional Video for K12 SWP Data Upload
- Cal-PASS Plus Privacy SWP Addendum
- CPP Data Submission Process 2020
- Uploading Data FAQ’s 2020
- Strong Workforce Program Required Data Upload Webinar 12-3-20
CCCCO links to RFA and supporting documents
College letter of support guidance
Toggle Content
Workshops and presentations to support grant writing
K12 SWP Request for Application 2022/2023 (updated 9/19/22)
CTE Pathway/Program Work Plan Practice Template (PDF)
CTE Pathway/Problem Statement and Project Objectives EXAMPLE (PDF)
CTE Pathway/Program Budget and Match Template (PDF)
CTE Pathway/Program Budget and Match EXAMPLE (PDF)
CTE Pathway/Program Scoring Rubrics (PDF)
Statement of Assurance Template (Word)
High-Quality Career Technical Education Program Evaluation and Plan (PDF)
- K12 SWP 2021-2022 Intent to Award
- RFA and application documents
- Past events:
- Leveraging CCI Data to Inform CTE Grant Writing PPT; recording (by Jewyl Clarke, SDCOE)
- San Diego Imperial K12 SWP Overview PPT; recording (by Leslie Wisdom, K14TAP)
- You Can Do It! Why Small Districts and Charters Should Apply for K12 SWP PPT; recording (by Christine Jensen, K12 PC)
- Don’t Leave Out the Middle Schools in K12 SWP! PPT; recording (by Jamie Davenport, K12 PC)
- K12 SWP Bidders Conference PPT; recording (by CCCCO)
- Leveraging CCI Data to Inform CTE Grant Writing PPT; recording (by Jewyl Clarke, SDCOE)
- SDIC Regional R4 K12 SWP Engagement Meeting PPT; recording
- K12 SWP 2021 22 Application Workflow video (by Chancellor’s Office)
- Match Guidelines
- Selection Committee
- SWP Exploratory Flyer
- Tentative timeline
- Additional Resources
- Intent to award
- Selection Committee
- SDIC Regional Engagement Meetings 9/14/20, 9/21/20
- Match Guidelines
- NOVA webinar
- Bidders Conference webinar recording
- CCCCO linktree

The California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) is a state education, economic, and workforce development initiative with the goal of providing pupils in kindergarten through grade twelve, inclusive, with the knowledge and skills necessary to transition to employment and postsecondary education.
- Workshops and presentations to support grant writing
- Regional CTEIG Consultant: David Kinst
- Capital Outlay Request form for pre-approval
- 2023 CTEIG Reporting DUE electronically by January 31, 2023, by 5:00 pm.
- Report Webinar
- Checklist Tool
- CTEIG Financial Expenditure Report – Excel
- Webinar PPT
- Expenditure Report Enter amounts for each object code that actual CTEIG and/or match dollars were used for each allocation year of reporting. Amounts should NOT be on an accrual basis. You are reporting by allocation year, NOT by when the dollars were actually spent.
- Signature Page
- EXFiles Instructions:
- name .zip file as LEA Name CDS Code
- name pdf document as Signature Page
- name excel document as Expenditure Report
- Send .zip file to
- Project Code: CTEIGExp
- Upload Password: d-5GPoLx!r
- Need help? Contact:
- K14 TAP, Leslie Wisdom
- K12 Pathway Coordinator, find yours here
- Regional CTEIG Consultant, David Kinst
- 2022 CTE Data Survey Template Final
- The 2022 CTE Completer data reporting period (Academic Year 2020–21) of the Postsecondary Status File (PSTS) begins on January 4, 2022 and must be submitted and certified to the CDE by March 4, 2022.
- 2021 CTE Data Survey Template Final
- CTE Data Collection Letter
- 2021 CTE Completer Data Webinar_Final_1.12.2021
Workshops and presentations to support grant writing
CTE Application Part I – PGMS (CA Dept of Education)
cteig22-23attach3 (updated 9/20/2022)
Capital Outlay Request form for pre-approval
UPDATES to 2021-2022 Application – Due October 13, 2021
Request for Applications Addendum I (DOCX) – CTEIG online instructions for match amendment for current applicants
Request for New Applications Addendum II (DOCX) – CTEIG online application instructions, requirements, and eligibility for new applicants with advance placement and international baccalaureate with dual enrollment CTE courses
Addendum I Match Amendment Signature Form (PDF) – CTEIG Current applicant match amendment form to be completed by current applicants
CTE Application Part I – PGMS (CA Dept of Education)

Each region has one K14 Technical Assistance Provider, and each Community College District has one K12 Pathway Coordinator assigned to it. In the San Diego-Imperial County region, Leslie Wisdom is the K14 Technical Assistance Provider and there are currently five K12 Pathway Coordinators (PCs). This infographic outlines the responsibilities of each role and this is the scope of work for a K12 Pathway Coordinator.
Betty-Jo Acker, K12 PC for the San Diego CCD
- Nicole Thren, K12 PC for the Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD
- Heidi Bergener, K12 PC for Southwestern CCD
- Eusebio (Travis) Sevilla, K12 PC for MiraCosta CCD
- Michael Gomez, K12 PC for Palomar CCD
- Kimberly Macias, K12 PC for Imperial Valley CCD