Early College Credit Resources

The San Diego Imperial Counties Community Colleges Regional Consortium offers resources to support early college credit opportunities for students in our region. The goal is to support the colleges in the region to create equitable, accessible, high-quality programs that benefit all students. Early college credit (ECC), including dual enrollment and articulation credit by exam, are a critical part of this. Utilize these regionally endorsed early college credit definitions to create a clear language for the regions shared students! 

Review our dual enrollment 2021-2022 dashboards for the region and each community college district: region, GCCCD, IVCCD, MCCCD, PCCD, SDCCD, SWCCD. 2022-2023 dashboards coming soon!

Click on the buttons below to learn more about each topic. Resources will be added and updated based on regional needs. If there are answers you need, topics that you would like included, or if you have any feedback on this website, please submit them here.

What is allowed?

Equity & ECC

Learning from others

Chancellor’s Offce

High School Articulation Credit by Exam

What is allowed?

Equity & ECC

Learning from others

Chancellor’s Offce

High School Articulation Credit by Exam

Early College Credit Supports



Monthly on the 2nd Wednesday from 8:30 am to 10 am.  Agenda

Review resources shared at this meeting on the consortium resources page.



Bring your questions, concerns, thoughts, or just come to hear the conversation! Join here.  Meets twice a month:

  • 2nd Wednesday at 1 pm
  • 4th Thursday at 10 am

Contact Mallory J. Stevens, Early College Credit & Transitions Specialist, to be added to the ECC listserv. Be notified of these meetings, ask questions, receive dual enrollment information of interest!