WBL & Job Placement
To support work-based learning and job placement functions at each college that will provide all students with a continuum of critical experiences and support to deepen classroom learning and facilitate employment.

Kevin McMackin
Director of Strategic Partnerships, Region
- Focus on equity, to include processes, services (including remote), and offerings
- Increase and track (SG21) Work-based Learning and Job Placement opportunities for students, with an emphasis on equitable offerings
- Increase faculty awareness of the: services offered, Work-based Learning Faculty Professional Development, and importance of 21st Century Employability Skills
- Increase student awareness of the: services offered, importance of Work-based Learning and 21st Century Employability Skills
- Increase capacity for college Employer Engagement through support and collaboration of the Work-based Learning Coordinators, Job Placement Case Managers and Employer Relations Liaisons
- Build the support and infrastructure for Regional Industry Advisories
- Improved work-based learning and job placement functions at each college
- Implementation the Ensuring Equitable Work-based Learning (SG21) Framework
- Establishment of goals and processes for WBL and job placement services
- Professional development to expand implementation of WBL
Significant Projects
Materials and Resources
Please visit the Resources Page to find meeting agendas and minutes.
Meetings are held monthly on the second Thursday of each month.