A Community College Student’s Road to Success
The San Diego and Imperial County Region’s vision for student success from the various entry points all the way to employment, degree, further education, and career navigation. This vision is
The San Diego and Imperial County Region’s vision for student success from the various entry points all the way to employment, degree, further education, and career navigation. This vision is
San Diego/Imperial Counties Strong Workforce Consortium This graphic illustrates how the relationship between SDIC community colleges and Director for Strategic Partnerships with key regional employment sectors is mediated by technology
Foundation for California Community Colleges This report articulates a set of goals and commitments for California Community Colleges, developed by a team of community college experts. It outlines a set
San Diego Strong Workforce Partnership; Imperial County Workforce Development Board A guide designed for both the Community College system and the Workforce Development Boards for the WIOA Regional Plan, this
This document outlines the regional partnership that is foundational to the current SWP work in San Diego and Imperial Counties. It captures the origins of the partnership, the entities and
The Berkana Institute This piece proposes a model of system change and scaling titled the “The Lifestyle of Emergence” to explain how change goes from fragmented and locally-drive to connected
Philadelphia Youth Network An infographic that charts the skills and mindsets that must be acquired in the earlier stages of an individual’s career development to prepare them to be prepared
California Department of Education An infographic that proposes and details a three-part career development sequence of career awareness, career exploration, and career preparation between kindergarten to post-secondary completion. Download This
A glossary of 14 work-and-learn models commonly featured in business and industry programs nationwide. Download This Resource
San Diego & Imperial Counties Community Colleges The San Diego and Imperial County Region’s vision for student success from the various entry points all the way to employment, degree, further