K12 Career Exp Tools Resources_120619
Parent Engagement Background Research Parent Engagement Background Research One Pager
K12_WBL_Glossary_09.03.19 Glossary of terms associated with career awareness, exploration, preparation, and training.
Download This Resource Two-page infographic illustrating the work-based learning activities and milestones associated with stages of career awareness, exploration, preparation, and training. This is also illustrated across an individual’s age
Download This Resource One-page document that details the benefits of applied and work-based learning for students, employers, and educators.
WG 1a_AGENDA 8.27.19 GoalsStrategies8_20_19 SWP MSHS Engagement Workgroup Action Plan 8.1.19
Foundation for California Community Colleges This report articulates a set of goals and commitments for California Community Colleges, developed by a team of community college experts. It outlines a set
San Diego Strong Workforce Partnership; Imperial County Workforce Development Board A guide designed for both the Community College system and the Workforce Development Boards for the WIOA Regional Plan, this
This document outlines the regional partnership that is foundational to the current SWP work in San Diego and Imperial Counties. It captures the origins of the partnership, the entities and
National Academy Foundation This document lays out a vision for high school internships as one component of a work-based learning continuum of activities. A set of standards for best practices