A Middle School Career Development Continuum
San Diego and Imperial Counties A series of infographics that summarizes the goals and experiences of middle school students on a continuum of career development that covers stages of self
San Diego and Imperial Counties A series of infographics that summarizes the goals and experiences of middle school students on a continuum of career development that covers stages of self
San Diego and Imperial Counties A series of infographics that summarizes the goals and experiences of high school students on a continuum of career development that covers stages of self
San Diego & Imperial Counties Community Colleges The San Diego and Imperial County Region’s vision for student success from the various entry points all the way to employment, degree, further
WestEd A foundational document for the work Strong Workforce Program effort currently underway in San Diego and Imperial Counties. This report is the culmination of activities in Phase I, which
Career Exploration in Middle School: Setting Students on the Path to Success
CDE An infographic that details the criteria high school graduates must fulfill to be considered not prepared, approaching prepared, or prepared for college and career readiness. Download This Resource
California Community Colleges San Diego Imperial Counties Regional Consortium; Centers of Excellence This presentation details overall, region-specific findings from CTE Employment Outcomes Survey. It concludes with a list of ways
Community College Research Center This research brief summarizes the experiences of 149 first-year students attending colleges implementing guided pathways practices. It highlights what students identified as the biggest benefits and
WestEd This presentation outlines the various types of CTE data available and details for aligning college-level goals, student needs, and guided pathways across the community college system using content and
California Community Colleges This document lists and defines the Strong Workforce Program performance accountability metrics. Download This Resource