Agenda10_21_20 ECC Discussion Guide 10-21-20
Agenda9_16_20 Goals for 20_21andOutcomes 2020_21PriorityProjects CoP image
Agenda8_19_20 Workgroup1PurposeandProposedGoals 2020_21DRAFTPriorityProjects PurposeandProposedGoalsPPT
Study on WBL from MDRC:
The Newly Virtual Workplace: Employers and Trainers Adapt – MDRC
Agenda6_17_20 GoalsWith5_20_20Discussion_Rdtable GoalsWithRoundtableDiscussion5_20_20 ECC_Draft Survey_Existing Program Info_DRAFT_6.5.20
Agenda5_20_20 Final Goals 19-20 GoalsWithRoundtableDiscussion5_13_20 FINAL2019-20 CareerPathwaysGoals updated 5_13_20 With Progress Made Notes
Agenda April 22, 2020 MS/HS Service Delivery Model MappingToolOne-Pager WG1a 2019-20 Workgroup Action Plan Abbr.version 4_14 For Zoom meeting connection: Call in info: 1 (669) 900-6833 or 1 (646)876-9923