A Community College Student’s Road to Success
San Diego & Imperial Counties Community Colleges The San Diego and Imperial County Region’s vision for student success from the various entry points all the way to employment, degree, further
San Diego & Imperial Counties Community Colleges The San Diego and Imperial County Region’s vision for student success from the various entry points all the way to employment, degree, further
Jay Van Kirk This slide deck presentation summarizes a study into the relationship between lower division career courses and students’ planning for the future, awareness of career options, awareness of
NACADA Journal This article provides a definition of career advising and a rationale for folding it into academic advising. It concludes with recommended actions and resources for both academic advisors
WestEd A foundational document for the work Strong Workforce Program effort currently underway in San Diego and Imperial Counties. This report is the culmination of activities in Phase I, which
U.S. Department of Education; National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences This report looks at the experiences of first-generation college students, reviewing how their enrollment and labor market
EAB This paper explores the tension in higher education between a focus on pure intellectual exploration and professional training in the context of potentially worrying trends about underemployment and “suboptimal”
WestEd This brief summary highlights the research and best practices identified through a review of the literature, interviews, and focus groups as critical for student success. Download This Resource
Community College Research Center This report is part three of CCRC’s practitioner series on technology-mediated advising reform. It provides an overview of the research and identifies several indicators of colleges’
California Community Colleges This document lists and defines the Strong Workforce Program performance accountability metrics. Download This Resource
Public Policy Institute of California This report presents a portrait of developmental (remedial) education, describing the enrollment patterns and characteristics of developmental education students, their journey through developmental coursework, and