Early College Credit Flyers
ECC Flyer Customizable English Instructions to customize: (1) download PDF flyer (2) “save as” on your computer (3) open Adobe Acrobat (4) open downloaded PDF on your computer (5) click
ECC Flyer Customizable English Instructions to customize: (1) download PDF flyer (2) “save as” on your computer (3) open Adobe Acrobat (4) open downloaded PDF on your computer (5) click
Early College Credit Definitions – FINAL (regionally approved 11/19/21)
The Newly Virtual Workplace: Employers and Trainers Adapt – MDRC
Agenda April 22, 2020 MS/HS Service Delivery Model MappingToolOne-Pager WG1a 2019-20 Workgroup Action Plan Abbr.version 4_14 For Zoom meeting connection: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/7570742981 Call in info: 1 (669) 900-6833 or 1 (646)876-9923
K12 Career Exp Tools Resources_120619
Career and CollegeTransition Division, California Department of Education This handbook highlights five career development resources including apps, online tools, and virtual counseling. Download This Resource