San Diego and Imperial Region
San Diego and Imperial Counties span the southern border of California. With more than 3.5 million people, our diverse population includes people from all walks of life. Urban and rural communities offer a wide range of occupations and opportunities. San Diego County includes a few of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the country and both counties have neighborhoods with high rates of poverty and unemployment. The median family income in San Diego is $63,800 a year with 12% of the population living in poverty. In Imperial, the median family income is $39,500 a year and more than 19% of the population lives in poverty.
The 10 community colleges in San Diego and Imperial offer a unique opportunity for people to access social mobility. More than 200,000 residents attend community college in the region and our students are much more diverse than the general community. While around 70% of the population in the region is white, more than 65% of our student population are students of college. More than 50% of our student population are low income. As a result, with the support of the Strong Workforce program, San Diego and Imperial Community Colleges are collaborating to lock in opportunity for more of our promising students to transform their lives through education.
Strong Workforce Program 4-Year Regional Plan – 2025
Strong Workforce Program 4-Year Regional Plan – 2024
strong Workforce Program 4-Year Regional Plan – 2023
Strong Workforce Program 4-Year Regional Plan – 2022
Strong Workforce Program 4-Year Regional Plan – January 2021
Strong Workforce Program Regional Plan 2019-2020
Strong Workforce Program Regional Plan 2018-2019
Strong Workforce Program Regional Plan 2017-2018
Strong Workforce Program Regional Plan 2016-2017