K14 Career Pathways
To better prepare the region’s prospective students for college through outreach, alignment, and acceleration

Suzanne Sebring
Director, Post-Secondary Engagement, Region

Amertah Perman
Dean of Career Education and Workforce Development, San Diego Community College District (SDCCD)

Al Love
Senior Director, College and Career Leadership, San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)

Denise Cabanilla
Director, Higher Education and Adult Learning, Imperial County Office of Education (ICOE)
2023-2027 Goals
- Strong, collaborative, and integrated working relationships across K-14 CE pathways focused on regional Strong Workforce goals and priority sectors
- Equity in regional Career Education pathway students’ success with inclusive wrap-around K-14 transition supports
- Adaptable career pathways that meet regional priority workforce demands
- Broad awareness and understanding of regional career pathways from middle school and high school, adult education, and community college
- Accessible high-quality Career Education pathways to high-wage, high-demand occupations that include career exploration, work-based learning, and pathway accelerators for all students
2023-2024 Goals
- Outreach & Alignment - To ensure equitable access and smooth transitions, support the collaborative growth of high-quality, existing and new CE pathways by increasing awareness and identifying opportunities for strengthened alignment with industry and across educational segments (K-12, Adult Education, Community College).
- Alignment - Develop, implement, regularly update and promote a career mapping K-14 Program Finder that helps facilitate program alignment and encourage collaboration among partners to improve transitions and postsecondary pathway completions.
- Acceleration - Accelerate student completions by improving, aligning, and expanding career education early college credit opportunities for disproportionately impacted students.
2023-2024 Projects and Strategies:
The K-14 Career Pathways workgroup plans to engage in the following activities toward achieving its one-year goals. This work will take place through Communities of Practice (COPs) and through an Equitable Career Pathways Project.
- Support K-14 partners to identify and make progress on closing equity gaps within career pathways
- Support smooth transitions
- Support implementation of recommendations from Options After High School Survey
- Strengthen middle school/high school engagement with regional community colleges
- Launch and promote new Program Finder tool on CareerEd.org
- Create “how-to” videos, social media marketing, district/site level marketing
- Support K-14 partners to identify and make progress on closing equity gaps within career pathways
- Support smooth transitions
- Support K-12, Adult Education, and community college dual enrollment practitioners
- Explore opportunities to strengthen CTE articulation credit by exam (high school to college and adult education to college)
- Explore how to track student transitions
- Explore best practices utilizing SB554/Ability to Benefit
Please visit the Resources to find meeting agendas, materials and minutes.