The Resource Library contains a collection of information, including regional meeting agendas and materials, archived videos of communities of practices and webinars, and best practices, to support activities associated with the implementation of the regional strong workforce program in the San Diego and Imperial Counties region. Resources are categorized by topic and can be easily searched based on type, format, and keywords.
- For recommended resources, please email us at
Dummy Item
- Meeting Materials
- Meeting Materials
- Deans
- SWP Newsletter
- Newsletter
- K14 Career Pathways
- Meeting Materials
- Presentation
- Career Development, Career Exploration, Career Navigation, Community of Practice
- Meeting Materials
- Career Navigation
- Newsletter
- Faculty
- Dual Enrollment, Early College Credit
- Meeting Materials, Promising Practice
- Presentation, Video
- Dual Enrollment Community of Practice
- Adult Education and Noncredit
- Meeting Materials
- Adult Education and Noncredit
- Job Placement, Work-based Learning
- Meeting Materials
- Job Placement Case Managers, WBL & Job Placement, WBL Coordinators
- Meeting Materials
- Deans