Early College Credit: What is allowed?

What Is Allowed

  • AB30 Community colleges: College and Career Access Pathways partnerships: This legislation extended AB 288 and outlines what is allowable for CCAP dual enrollment.
  • AB 102  College and Career Access Pathways partnerships(Waiting for Governor’s Signature): Important because AB 102 Extends the definition of “high school” to include a community school, juvenile court school, or adult education program and authorizes county offices of education to enter into CCAP partnerships with the governing boards of community college districts It extends the provisions authorizing CCAP partnerships indefinitely and removes the 10% statewide limit for full-time equivalent students claimed as special admits. 
  • SB 554 Public schools: adult school students: Advanced Scholastic and Vocational Training Program: Allows the governing board of a school district overseeing an adult education program or the governing board of a community college district overseeing a noncredit program to authorize a student pursuing a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate to enroll as a special part-time student at a community college!

Community colleges track apportionment through Full Time Equivalent Student (FTES) and high schools through Average Daily Attendance (ADA). It is important to understand both of these when developing dual enrollment partnerships. The following resources speak to each:

  • EDC § 76001: Special part time and special full time that allows dual enrollment for high school students. These students are consider “special admits”
  • EDC §76002: Rules around the admission of special admit students. Includes 10% limit on physical education classes and rules around advertising classes.
  • EDC § 76004: Dual enrollment as outlined in Title 3: Postsecondary Education covers CCAP partnerships.
  • EDC § 48800: Dual enrollment as outlined in Title 2: Elementary & Secondary Education from the high school perspective.